Next meeting: Monday 26 September.
Our August meeting was attended by 19 people, fewer than usual but still a good number considering it was a Bank Holiday with unusually good weather. It was also good to see some people who had not been for a while.
Martyn Davies brought along a selection of 009 Peco goods from Hereford Model Centre, including some just-released 8 Ton Bogie Open Wagons that were specially delivered to the shop so that he could offer them for sale to us. In fact they are so new that (at the time of writing) they are not even listed on Peco’s own website! Two liveries are available, L&B Grey No.22, catalogue GR230, and SR Brown, No 28313, catalogue GR231. They are listed on the Parkside Dundas website, however, but for future availability and at a higher price. Well done to Martyn and Hereford Model Centre for making our Group members probably the first in the country to be able to buy these excellent models.
The invitations to traders and societies for the Tewkesbury 2017 show have already been sent out with invitations to layout exhibitors to follow very soon. Keep checking the dedicated website ( for latest details of the show, information is added constantly.
You are assured of a warm welcome at our meetings, in the company of like-minded narrow-gauge enthusiasts. We meet on the last Monday of the month, our next meetings being on 26 September and 31 October starting at 19.30 hours at Twyning village hall near Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, GL20 6DF. Contact Nicolas by phone or email
Nicolas Wheatley