Next meeting: Monday 29 August (Bank Holiday).
Our July meeting was attended by 24 people and as usual Martyn Davies brought along a selection of 009 Peco goods from Hereford Model Centre, giving the opportunity for people to purchase desired items.
On the 009 test track Ian Kirkwood was running a very small steam loco made from a Saltwood Models kit dating back to the 1980s but still working well. It was pulling a 4 wheel coach, made from a Mercian Models etched nickel-silver kit, the whole ensemble looking very fine. Dave Churchill demonstrated an experimental test track using a battery powered, radio-controlled ‘Crochat’ railcar, surely an unusual power and control type for 009! A small building was located in a heavily vegetated (sugar cane?) location which covered the Tomix tram track, so the on-board power supply overcame any electrical supply problems caused by the vegetation covering the track.
The working party set up to progress plans for the Tewkesbury show reported on its first meeting, and invitations to layout exhibitors, traders and societies were shortly being sent out. Keep checking the dedicated website ( for latest details of the show, information is added constantly.
You are assured of a warm welcome at our meetings, in the company of like-minded narrow-gauge enthusiasts. We meet on the last Monday of the month, our next meetings being on 29 August (Bank Holiday) and 26 September starting at 19.30 hours at Twyning village hall near Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, GL20 6DF. Contact Nicolas by phone or email