Next meeting: Monday 31 July 2017.
The absence of most of our usual contingent from the West Midlands 099 Group diminished our numbers to only 20, but we welcomed back former 009 Society Chairman and News Editor Simon Coward, who regularly attended our meetings many moons ago. We also helped Geoff Harper celebrate his birthday, with some delicious coffee and walnut cake that he provided.
As usual, Martyn Davies brought an increasingly large range of 009 items from Hereford Model Centre (HMC) for sale, including two new Heljan 2-6-2 Lynton and Barnstaple locos. These are two of only four supplied by Heljan to HMC, out of 36 pre-ordered by customers. They are sure to be very popular amongst 009 modellers, despite their hefty price tag, nearly £200.00 and probably more for a second production run. Sadly neither loco was running faultlessly, with the motion becoming jammed after travelling a short distance around the test track, prompting an imminent return to Heljan for each loco for repairs or replacement.
Running properly, however, was a Sentinel 4wVBT steam loco scratch-built by Simon Coward on a Kato tram chassis, which was pained in dark green with a GWR-style plate numbered ‘14’. Simon also had some other items under construction, including a Sentinel railcar, which we look forward to seeing when completed in due course.
Do check the website for the latest updates on progress of our show on 7th October at Tewkesbury School.
You are assured of a warm welcome at our meetings, with cake and coffee, in the company of like-minded narrow-gauge enthusiasts. We meet on the last Monday of the month, our next meetings being on 31 July and 28 August (Bank Holiday) starting at 19.30 hours at Twyning village hall near Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, GL20 6DF. Contact Nicolas by email
Nicolas Wheatley