M5-M50 Narrow Gauge Modellers – report 30 November 2015
Next meeting: Monday 25 January 2016.
Our November meeting was attended by 34 people, just short of last month’s all-time record of 35. We welcomed first-time visitor PJ, who came on the recommendation of an existing member. This is a gratifying way to recruit new people and the continued loyal support of so many existing members shows the group is obviously providing something that people enjoy. The regular attendance of the contingent from the West Midlands 009 Group is much appreciated. In the Christmas spirit of giving to those less fortunate, the usual £2.00 paid for admission, a total of £68.00, will be donated to a charity, ‘The Railway Children’, a choice that was widely endorsed.
Although the test tracks were providing opportunities for members to run locos and stock, notably with Blair Hobson running an HOe diesel loco based on a Russian prototype, the main part of the evening was a sumptuous buffet of Christmas food – many thanks to all who contributed. Due to a memory lapse by yours truly who forgot the tickets, the Christmas raffle had to be postponed until our January meeting, when many interesting and valuable prizes will up for grabs, including several donated at the meeting- thanks to all the donors. Any unwanted Christmas presents could be donated for when the raffle does finally take place!
Martyn Davies brought along some 009 items from the shop where works part-time, for sale at discounted prices, though it seems that many people’s visits to the Warley show over the weekend had exhausted their finances- either that or their partners had confiscated their wallets! At the Warley show two group members, Allan Law and Jez Kirkwood, won the prize for the Best Large Scale Exhibit, with their ‘Waterfield Hall’ layout. Though at 1:12 scale it is way beyond 009 scale, the achievement of our group members is worthy of recording here.
You can be assured of a warm welcome at our meetings, in the company of like-minded narrow-gauge enthusiasts, whose interests cover a variety of scales. We meet on the last Monday of every month except December, our next meetings being on 25 January and 29 February, starting at 19.30 hours at Twyning village hall near Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, GL20 6DF. Contact Nicolas by email nicolaswheatley@m5m50ngm.co.uk.
Nicolas Wheatley