Next meeting 25th May
Despite some notable absentees, there were 33 of us at the April Twyning meeting.
Both test tracks were operating and well used. On the 009 track I noticed a nice kit built Baldwin, and also ran my 4 wheel Tomix HM01 chassis which had just arrived from Japan. Its smooth and silent running led to various ideas, including trying a powered ‘gravity train’. The 7mm track hosted, among others, a lovely Welshpool Earl / Countess and train.
The DVD player was available, showing 1960s British narrow gauge films, and we were also treated to Colin Davies’ pictures from his recent visit to India.
Thanks to all who provided and served refreshments, and also to Martyn and Neil for bringing along sales items from Hereford Model Centre and the 7mm association.
Meetings are held on the last Monday of the month, starting at 19-30, at Twyning Village Hall, near Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, GL20 6DE.
The next meetings are on 25th May (Spring Bank Holiday Monday) and 29th June.
David Churchill p.p Nicolas Wheatley