Castle Works – built and exhibited by Andi Nethercoat
1/25th (12mm:ft) scale Narrow gauge. Representing an 18 inch minimum gauge industrial/factory railway.
My intention was to try and build an operable working micro-layout without spending a large sum of money on materials but by re-purposing, recycling and upcyling readily available items. Total build cost has been very minimal. The only things I’ve had to purchase are glue and paint from my local Pound shop and a few electrical items from ebay. Trackwork is re-used OO points and rail salvaged from donated second hand Peco code 100 flexitrack soldered to some copperclad sleeper strip cut from some offcuts of PCB that I’ve had for years. Buildings are made from a core of corrugated cardboard stuck together with a hot glue gun and covered in papier mache (newspaper and PVA glue) to strengthen it, while the ‘Stonework’ is individually cut pieces from various cereal packets and the ‘wriggly tin’ on the roofs is from tomato puree tubes cut into suitably sized sheets and ‘crinkled’. Doors and gates are made from coffee stirrers and the toolbox and bench in the shed are made from scraps of wood and firework sticks, other items are made from bits and bobs found in the scrap box. All the track ballasting is with various grades of tea-leaves and coffee grounds and the ground cover is home made from various materials and leftover paints. A lot of fun has been had in the building of this layout and an extension is now being constructed.